FAQs about Emergency Spill Response in Houston, TX

Offering 24/7 Spill Response Services

If you require emergency spill response services in the Houston, TX area, the team at Excel Industrial Group is here to answer all your questions. We offer 24/7 spill response for commercial and industrial sites. Our customers often have questions about our chemical spill response services, so we’ve prepared the answers to the questions we often receive. We encourage you to read through our emergency spill response FAQ to help you better understand our services. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need clarification or have any additional questions that we didn’t get to.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emergency Spill Response

Emergencies often lead to stress, and sometimes it’s difficult to stop and take the time to think about what needs to be done. That’s why we recommend reading over the answers to these questions we often receive about our emergency response services.

Q. Does Excel Industrial Group handle oil and petroleum spills?

A. The team at Excel Industrial Group handles many types of spills, including oil and fuel spills. Oil and petroleum spills can lead to fires and damage the environment. In addition to handling oil and petroleum spills, our experts also offer emergency spill response for chemical spills and hazardous waste, including liquids, solids, and gases.

Q. Is my spill considered hazardous or non-hazardous?

A. The EPA specifies the term hazardous as being one of three categories: listed, characteristic, and mixed radiological. A hazardous spill is one that is considered to be dangerous or potentially harmful to the environment or the health of those around the spill. Non-hazardous spills involve materials that result from the production of products. Our experts can help you determine whether your spill is hazardous or non-hazardous.

Q. Can you clean up a chemical spill at my home?

A. At this time, Excel Industrial Group does not perform residential chemical spill clean up services. We specialize in commercial and industrial work.

Q. What types of spills will Excel Industrial Group clean up?

A. Our emergency response team cleans up several types of spills, including chemical spills, oil and petroleum spills, fuel spills, and industrial waste spills.

Q. What industrial waste services do you provide?

A. Our experts offer crude oil recycling, drum waste disposal, hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste management, industrial waste recycling, industrial tank cleaning, industrial waste transport and disposal, and liquid waste transportation services.

Q. What is the difference between a leak and a spill?

A. Often times the words release, spill, and leak will be used interchangeably.

Q. What is remediation?

A. The word remediation is often substituted with the word cleanup. Remediation involves the process or act of removing contamination from groundwater, soil, or another medium. Cleanup may also refer to methods including recovering oil from roadways or using sorbent pads to collect oil from the surface of water.

Contact Us for Emergency Spill Response

If you have a chemical response in the Houston area, be sure to contact us. We’re the team to call for all your industrial and chemical waste service needs. Our waste management experts provide full-service waste management services. Request your quote from us today.

Why Choose Us?

  • We Excel At Efficiency
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Experts In Managing Waste, Chemical & Co-Product Needs